Dear Friends
We hope you and your most beloved trees are all OK in these strange and often difficult times. Our time has been disrupted too but the charity, unlike many others who have grown too quickly and face too many outgoing expenses, is safe and in better shape than ever.
We have to mention a sad truth, however, and that is most members have forgotten all about the annual membership fee and donations from supporters have been few. From one single generous donor in Germany we receive more per year than from all British members and supporters together. That's not an issue, however, we never wanted to hassle anybody. But, if some of you would like to….? And in the knowledge that our bank, Triodos of Bristol, England is currently the “World’s Most Sustainable Bank”?
A little more income could be quite crucial to further success in achieving our aims, objectives and supporting people like Fiona Sheahan; who is currently completing an 800km walk across northern Spain to raise money for planting trees in the Amdo region of Tibet. Replanting of 40,000 trees per year for the next 5 years is vital to combat desertification and land erosion threatening villages in the area. £1.00 buys 10 trees so the maths are simple. In 2006 Fiona helped the community, via fundraising in Ireland, in meeting that target. But it has been a struggle since, with villagers taking out loans to pay for the trees; money it’s difficult for them to repay.
We have already agreed a donation - but no amount as yet as we are awaiting further details in the next few weeks about the full extent of the needs of the community. If anyone wishes to donate directly contact If you don't have internet access: Barclays Bank, Acc Name : Fiona Catherine Sheahan, Acc no. - 43936686, Sort Code: 209655, IBAN- GB72 BARC 2096 5543 9366 86, BIC- BARCGB22. Alternatively, anyone thinking of making a donation to us too could save time by including some for Fiona and stating how much. Our total donation, including any received from members, will be decided at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 4th October 2009 at Stroud in Gloucester and sent the week after.
Best wishes
Paul Greenwood, Secretary.